Bringing beauty and sustainability to the candle market, Lovelight was born from the desire to craft pieces that honor the colors and textures of the natural world while also preserving the health of the planet. Lovelight’s Bradley Beach storefront opened in May of 2023 and offers classes, workshops, goods from local craftsmen, and, of course, Lovelight’s signature refillable candles. Guided by the desire to leave a lasting positive impact on the environment and the local community, Mike and Olivia lead with intention, crafting products that mutually benefit both the ocean they love and their customers. We sat down with them to learn more about the inspiration behind their products, the importance of creating non-toxic candles, and the benefits of supporting small businesses.
Q: What inspired the name ‘Lovelight’?
The name Lovelight came to us shortly after our idea to create handcrafted candles. I remember not wanting to force a name, and really letting myself marinate on what the most fitting name would be. Eventually, I was listening to the Grateful Dead when I heard their version of “Turn On Your Lovelight.” Immediately, I knew it would be Lovelight.
Q: What are 3 words that best describe your design sensibility?
Engaging, convivial, and serendipitous.
Q: We’ve noticed your different vessel designs all have an ocean theme both in color palette and naming: Rockpool, Seafoam, Riptide, etc. What is it about the ocean that inspires you so much?
The ocean is such an incredible place that it is difficult to put into words. It tends to teach us exactly what we need in every moment, even if it is sometimes scary. It is both more mysterious than outer space and a place where we feel at home. The experience is a delicate balance of fear and supportive compassion. Aesthetically, the forms of the ocean are incredible and endlessly engaging. From coral structures, to kelp forests, to a school of fish, to an infinite amount of wave forms, it freely offers up some of the most beautiful examples of design anywhere on the planet. So when thinking of form or surface textures, or colors or names, we tend to go to the ocean for inspiration. It is truly a limitless resource in so many ways which is why we need to go to great lengths to protect its immense fragility.
Q: Your refillable vessels have gone through quite an evolution since you first launched in 2020. Tell us about the new Seamless Line you just launched and what benefits that design has for the customer.
The performance of the candle burning is of the utmost importance. Before we think about aesthetics, we always make sure the functionality of the design is of primary importance. The new vessels are sleeker and tighter fitting to the candle insert, ensuring a more efficient burn. Aside from this, we make them in such a way that there are no breaks or separate parts in the clay. The entire vessel is one coherent piece, which makes the vessel stronger and able to be reused time and time again.
Q: I love that the vision for your vessels are as objects you can have ‘for life.’ Unlike some candle companies where you have to throw out the container after the candle is done, you made sure your vessels were super easy to clean once the wax refill burned down. It’s easy to slip in a new candle refill to match your mood or the season, with way less waste for the environment (plus it’s less expensive for the customer). What advice do you have for companies looking to navigate the balance between profit & planet?
This beautiful world has existed long before humans thought of the concept of profit. If you look to nature, there are seemingly transactional relationships between organisms in an ecosystem, but rarely do you see one particular organism hoarding everything for itself. There is a balance to be found in all things. With humans being out of balance currently, we believe that sustainable business models and thoughtful living can help get us back to a more balanced relationship with nature. It is about realizing that even if you can hoard profits at the expense of the environment, at some point your children or grandchildren will not be able to have a great life. Greed is born first from ignorance.
Q: There have been increasing studies into health hazards linked to a lot of the mass produced, scented candles. You’ve done a lot of work making sure your formulas are clean and non-toxic… tell us why this was important to you.
Clean and non-toxic candles should be important to all of us. There is not enough regulation to keep large candle companies from using harmful ingredients in their products. This is why we should be supporting smaller, local businesses that have a vested interest in their community. It is heartbreaking that an “inexpensive” candle from a big box store may very well be extremely expensive from a health perspective. In particular, we are referring to phthalates or parabens, which are used in many mass produced beauty and wellness products. Our goal was to make a candle that was well priced, but not at the expense of your family’s health.
Q: Olivia, you were in Sales and Mike was in Construction and Carpentry. What made you each decide to leave these more ‘traditional’ jobs and take the leap into small business?
I think the ability to make your own decisions. When you are working for someone else, you are tied to their decisions on where to take the business. The materials that they purchase, the way they treat their clients and vendors, neither of these are in your control. When you own your own business, you can control all aspects in a direction that flows with your beliefs and values. Of course you have to take a giant risk to get the privilege to make these decisions. But this is truly one of the greatest aspects of entrepreneurship. Oh, that and the fact that you don’t have to ask anyone for permission to take time off when the waves are good.
Q: What are your favorite, and not so favorite, parts of owning a small business?
The highs are high and the lows are low! The best part is the meaning that it imbibes your life with. You are not sitting at a desk doing something that you don’t care about, but at the same time, that person gets to clock out and have a weekend where they get to be completely unaccounted for. With our business we are more or less always on the clock. Olivia and I are the makers, sellers, customer service agents, cleaning crew, etc. It has made us incredibly effective problem solvers, and we have truly learned to not sweat the small stuff. It was a leap of faith but has really forced us to grow in extremely valuable ways.
Q: Your candle workshops are very popular. Why do you think people are so drawn towards these events?
I think that people are craving more novel, hands-on experiences. When I was growing up here, there wasn’t anything quite like this. People come in thinking they are not creative or artistic, and they leave with a newfound sense of what they can do. And hopefully that translates into other parts of their lives.
Q: Last question. We have to know, what’s your favorite thing about Oshin Oil?
As potters our hands are in clay and water all day long. Our hands are always dry and cracking. So, we are grateful to use Oshin Oil every single day. I know the people who make it, so I trust the product immensely. Its simple ingredients don’t leave our hands feeling greasy, but rehydrated and protected after heavy use in the studio. Oshin Oil really does the trick!
If you're interested in shopping Lovelight, visit their Bradley Beach storefront or visit lovelighthandmade.com. You can also follow Lovelight on instagram @lovelight_handmade